
Hybrid Power Cabinet

Hybrid cabinet is developed as an off-grid energy storage system for distributing power to the different customer segments such as telecom, commercial and community. Solar PV & Diesel generator are integrated as power source and Li Ion battery is used as energy storage device to increase reliability and to deliver right amount of power at right quality. Outdoor cabinet with IP55 protection hosts the hybrid equipment which includes the MPPT charger, Battery charger and Inverter for power conversion. 19” rack mountable Li ion batteries are integrated for energy storage and power backup.

It also consists of the AC power (230Vac) distribution, DC power (48Vdc) distribution, bus bars, circuit breakers, surge protection and their associative wiring. Bypass contactor and manual change over switch is integrated to reduce down time and for maximum system availability. DC axial fan, fan controller and temperature sensor are used for thermal dissipation. Controller is working on temperature dependent PWM control logic for fan operation. Fan will not work if temperature is less than 25°C and fan will work continuously on full speed when temperature is more than 45°C. PFC alarm relay is provided for high temperature alarm at 50°C. DC Led light provides illumination and door switch is fixed on each door for alarm.

Energy metering parameters are available on hybrid inverter display, load energy meter and Li ion battery BMS which can be interfaced through RS 485 communication. Remote monitoring, data logging and storage on Amazon/google cloud server is possible with RTU unit, RS 485 communication, analog input and digital I/O’s. Application software, GUI, data analysis, report generation, alarms and trouble ticketing etc. can be customized for site management and optimization.

Technical Information:

System capacity Outdoor cabinet Ingress protection Dust protection
MS powder coated/floor mounted 30KW IP55 G4 filter
Locking Thermal dissipation Hybrid inverter Li Ion battery (19” Rack)
3-point lock/ pad lock DC fan with control card 5KW, 230V-- 6 Nos 100Ah, 48V—12 Nos
DC distribution AC distribution Changeover switch Load Contactor
48V, MCB & Bus bar 230V, MCB & Bus bar Manual changeover for fault bypass Inverter bypass & load on DG
Energy Metering Remote monitoring Data logging and storage Alarms
Display on inverter & energy meter RTU with RS 485 communication AWS/Goggle cloud High temp, Door open, Smoke etc.
Application software Special integration (Optional)
GUI, Data analysis, report generation, alarms, trouble ticketing etc. String monitoring, DG set alarms, Fuel sensor, Weather monitoring etc.

SRK Tele Energy India Pvt Ltd.

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